Contra and Square Dancing
This caller is a blast - lighthearted, friendly, fun and patient - and she sings. She knows her way around a contra or a singing square dance and you will, too, with her teaching style which is sure to set you at ease. - a Dancer Smiles, human touch, and lively music combine to make contra dancing and square dancing exhilarating and joyful experiences. Wordlessly moving together in coordinated patterns, dancers can feel a part of a greater whole, while experiencing a vibrant and ever-changing folk art form of community expression.
Robin loves to help create this community magic. She leads the dancers through the figures of the dance during the “walk-through”, encouraging them as they practice the pattern before music is added. While the dance is in motion, Robin’s calling style is rhythmic, musical, and attentive to the needs of the dancers.
In addition, Robin is an enthusiastic and skilled caller of “singing squares” combining her loves of calling and singing. Singing square calls are sung to old, usually familiar, songs. The dancers can join in the fun and sing along when a well-known chorus comes around as they are kicking up their heels. Booking enquiries.